Saturday, March 21, 2020

Track Your Time and Boost Your Bottom Line

Track Your Time and Boost Your Bottom Line Do you keep track of how long it takes you to finish each writing project? Doing so will not only show you how much you earn per hour but will provide other great side benefits as well. For most of my freelancing career, Ive resisted tracking my writing time. I worried that it would affect the quality of my writing and, perhaps more importantly, that Id find out I would be better off flipping burgers. Thankfully, I discovered otherwise. Being aware that the clock is ticking, forces me to jump straight into the story instead of trying to find the perfect opening. Its also helping me stay focused on the writing, which means that I get more writing done in a shorter period of time. Im also motivated to stay on track so I can stay within a certain income range. When I start slowing down, I know its time to stop for a break. Theres no point in forcing myself to keep going because thats when the quality takes a dramatic nosedive. What surprised me the most was that this process has led me to look at time differently. Since I have two other careers, my writing sessions are often limited. In the past Id look at the clock and think, Whats the point. I only have half an hour. I felt it was barely long enough to get warmed up. Now I see those same thirty minutes and ask myself a critical question: What part of my story can I work on? In this way, Im able to fix a weak beginning, or an awkward ending, and oftentimes both. Additionally, Im better at not letting interruptions stop me, especially when Im in the flow. A favorite response of mine now is: Can it wait? I just need a few more minutes. Tracking your writing time will also help you determine how long you might need to finish a project requested Keeping track of your writing time is as simple as using a timer or jotting down the time when you start and end each writing session. Then transfer your total into a four-column spreadsheet with headings for: Title, Writing Time, Date, and Notes (optional). Once your story is completed, add your daily totals and voil! When you sell your story, youll know exactly how much you made per hour. And how much did I make with this article? I wrote in short bursts totaling about two hours, thus netting me $25 per hour. Not bad for someone whos never mastered the fine art of burger flipping! Although these numbers might not make me rich overnight, theyre a great starting point for helping me set goals that will increase my bottom line down the road while improving my efficiency and productivity.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How the Trucking Industry Can Help End Distracted Driving

How the Trucking Industry Can Help End Distracted Driving Distracted driving is an epidemic claiming far too many lives each year. One company, KRST (Keeping Roads Safe Technologies, Inc.) is ready to take that epidemic on, and is currently looking for partners within the trucking industry to help them fight it. The Halifax-based company proposes to monitor how, when, and why truckers use their mobile phones while driving. The company has designed two devices to be installed in any company vehicles that would collect and analyze this information. The first, CellAware, would give trucking companies precise data about their employees’ cell phone usage on the road. The second, KRSTI, would actually delay all calls and text messages on a driver’s phone until his or her vehicle’s engine had been turned off.The devices could also provide valuable information about mileage, fuel consumption, and location-tracking, as well as distance travelled without incident, all the while monitoring and reporting any attempted calls, texts, or tampering with the vehicle in motion.KRST plans to manufacture 5,000 of these devices and kick off the program- at no charge to the participating companies- in January 2016. Companies wanting to get involved should call +1 844-993-4357.